There's no good way to say someone very important to you has died. Your friends and acquaintances care in as much as they care about you but it doesn't really affect them. And yet it's somehow important to let them know. Or it is to me.
My great uncles Emmett, Jake, and Theron, who everybody called Chug, grew up thick as thieves. They did everything together. In 1917 they went to France together as part of Black Jack Pershing's American Expeditionary Force
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Thanks for all the well-wishing regarding Mom and her surgery. I heard from her this around 6 this evening. The surgery went well and she's now the proud owner of a set of titanium pins and plates. She'll be out of work for six-ish weeks and restricted to using crutches or a walker. I expect that will be worse for her than the actual surgery.
Well, Mom's at the hospital again. She fell a week or so ago and injured her leg. The x-ray at the emergency room showed nothing wrong with her hip (here's the first clue), so she went home and started physical therapy for torn muscles. She's having a lot of problems getting around a lot of pain with no improvement (second clue). She schedules
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It's moving day here at the old homestead. After six years of industrial not-so-chic, our office is moving into a new building across the street. I'll be working from home for the next two days
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About eleven o'clock my phone rings and my brother is on the line. We say hello and the signal drops momentarily. "I was going through a tunnel," he says
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Well, I'm back from nowhere. I'm at work and I have no idea what I should be doing so I'm posting on LJ. Life seems to be right where I left it
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my house is hot. and by hot, i don't mean shapely and well-dressed. i've been forced to turn on my air conditioner. mmm... sweet refrigerated air
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